Ranchi: Speaker Rabindranath Mahato said that in the last four years, three historic legislative acts have taken place in the Jharkhand Assembly, for which the fifth Jharkhand Assembly will be remembered for a long time in the political history of Jharkhand.
Keeping in mind the question of identity of the people of Jharkhand, passing of Sarna Dharma Code in the special session of the House was an important step, on which this House, forgetting the difference of party and opposition, passed it unanimously.
The Speaker said that the Jharkhand Reservation in Vacancies in Posts and Services Amendment Bill (2022), the Jharkhand Local Persons Definition Bill and the Bill 2022 to extend the resulting cultural and other benefits to such local persons, will move towards fulfilling the fundamental objectives of the formation of the state.
These were important steps for which our founding fathers shed their blood in the movement for state formation. Even on these two bills, the difference between favor and opposition had disappeared in the House and these bills were passed with the consent of all the members. Till now this bill has not taken the form of law. However, the speaker expressed hope that these would be enacted into law in the near future.
Speaker Rabindranath Mahato said that the most important example of public welfare through legislative intervention is Jharkhand’s Employment of Local Candidates in Private Sector Act 2021. Through this, 75 percent reservation has been made in the private plants operating in Jharkhand and this reservation system is not only for the lower posts but also for the honorarium of Rs 40 thousand.
Till now, about 50 thousand youth have been given jobs under this law and definitely this bill will prove to be effective in changing the picture of Jharkhand.