Ranchi: Kalpana Soren has expressed happiness over the interim bail granted to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal till June 1. She said through his X handle that the dictatorial forces have to show that the country will run only according to the Constitution of Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar.
Hearty congratulations to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on getting interim bail.
Hearty congratulations to his struggle partner Sunita ji and other family members.
I had already said that the fortress of dictatorial forces has started to collapse.
I also want to say that if anyone does not like the tribals, if anyone does not like the tribals, Dalits, backward classes, minorities who are demanding their rights eye to eye, and then they will have to change their habits. Jharkhand will not bow down! India will not stop.
Will fight and win, Jai Jharkhand.