Ranchi: Chief Electoral Officer K Ravi Kumar launched the “I am Verified Voter” campaign during a program organized in a school in Ranchi on Monday. The main objective of this campaign is to make all the voters of the state aware to check the name in the voter list.
Under this, voter lists are being displayed by BLOs at the booths of all the districts. Also, voters are being told that they can verify their names by visiting the Voter Helpline App, the website of the Chief Electoral Officer Office, Jharkhand and the Voter Portal of the Election Commission of India.
On the occasion of the launch of the campaign in Ranchi, the Chief Electoral Officer said that voting is the right and duty of all of us. In the absence of Voter ID, voters can also vote by showing 12 other alternative documents. But the most important requirement is to have your name in the voter list.
If someone’s name is not in the voter list then he is deprived of the right to vote. He said that there is still time, people should check their names in the voter list, if there is any error or discrepancy then get it removed so that there is no problem on the day of voting.
In the light of the order of the Chief Electoral Officer, a social media campaign was launched in all the districts of the state, in which thousands of voters, after seeing their names in the voter list, posted information on social media handles that they had verified their names.
Apart from the main program in Ranchi, officials were also sent from here to oversee this campaign in the districts. For inspection in the Kolhan area, Joint Chief Electoral Officer Subodh Kumar, Deputy Electoral Officer Headquarters for Palamu area Sanjay Kumar, OSD for Khunti Geeta Choubey, Junior Electoral Officer for Koderma Sunil Kumar Singh, for Santhal area S. N Jameel was given the responsibility.