Ayodhya (IANS) The Vishwa Hindu Parishad has ended it’s Trishul Diksha’ programme in Ayodhya and other places 15 days ahead of its scheduled date of culmination.
The programme was scheduled to continue till October 30, but VHP organising Secretary Bholendra said it has been stalled with immediate effect in view of the impending Supreme Court judgment on the Ram Janambhoomi-Babri Masjid dispute and the escalated threat perception in the holy city.
“It is due to special circumstances that we have stalled the programme. The other training programmes will continue,” the VHP leader said.
Bholendra further said the VHP has proposed a ‘Hit Chintak’ campaign in November under which one lakh new members would be enrolled.
The VHP has cautioned its members against making irresponsible statements and has asked all leaders to speak with restraint.