Ranchi: Under the leadership of Rajmahal sub-divisional police officer Vimlesh Kumar Tripathi, Rajmahal police station arrested two ganja smugglers with ganja packed in 50 plastic bags. On the basis of secret information received from Superintendent of Police Sahibganj, on March 10, two ganja smugglers were arrested with ganja from Gadhtalab Mangalhat of Rajmahal police station area.
The special team formed on the basis of secret information received by Sahibganj SP has taken this action. Police have also seized a bike and two mobile phones from them. The estimated weight of the ganja is said to be 150 grams.
In this regard, SDPO Rajmahal Vimlesh Kumar Tripathi said that Ramchandra Mandal and Chhotu Ravidas of Gadhtalab were arrested with 50 packets of ganja. A motorcycle and two mobile phones were also recovered from the accused. The raiding team included police inspector Shyamlal Hasda, police station in-charge Ghulam Sarwar, Arvind Kumar Das and armed forces personnel. The arrested accused were sent to jail.