Ranchi: Jharkhand has got the gift of the third Vande Bharat train. After Patna, Howrah, the third Vande Bharat train is starting as Ranchi-Banaras. Prime Minister Narendra Modi flagged off the train through video conferencing. Ranchi-Banaras Vande Bharat train was inaugurated. This train will run regularly from March 18.
As per the scheduled time, the train will leave at 5.10 am and reach Banaras at 1.00 pm. The train from Banaras will leave at 4.05 pm and will reach Ranchi at 11.55 pm. The journey from Ranchi to Banaras will take 7 hours 50 minutes. According to the ongoing schedule, this train will run six days a week. One day the train will not operate on Thursday.
Today Prime Minister Narendra Modi also launched many schemes. The Prime Minister also inaugurated the Hatia-Bandamunda 168 km doubling work. Stalls were also inaugurated at 10 stations under One Station One Product. These stations are Ranchi, Hatia, Govindpur Road, Itki, Muri, Piska, Silli, Tangerbasli and Tatisilve stations of Ranchi Railway Division. Passengers will have new experiences in the Vande Bharat train starting from Ranchi to Banaras.
As of now, the trains leaving from Ranchi to Patna and Howrah are blue in colour, while the trains leaving for Banaras will be saffron in colour. The seats in the saffron colored Vande Bharat train are relatively cushioned seats.
Deep wash basin and reclining angle of the seat has been increased.
A convenient charging point has also been provided in the train. Toilet light has been increased from 1.5 to 2.5 watts. The toilet handle is flexible, so that it is easy to hold. The emergency stop push button has been interchanged in the driver’s control panel for easier access.