Ranchi: Former MP Ramtal Chaudhary has returned home. On Monday, BJP National General Secretary Tarun Chugh visited his residence and included him in the party. On this occasion, State General Secretary MP Aditya Sahu, Ranchi candidate Sanjay Seth, former Rajya Sabha MP Mahesh Poddar were present.
Ramtahal Chaudhary, angry at not getting the ticket in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, had left the BJP. Choudhary had contested the elections as an independent candidate. He joined Congress just before the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. When Congress did not give him the ticket, it gave the ticket to Subodhkant Sahay’s daughter Yashaswini Sahay.
After this, angry Ramtahal Chaudhary resigned from Congress. He had said that he had joined Congress on the condition of ticket. He did not join Congress to carry the Congress flag. Ramtahal had said that Congress lost the seat it had won.