Deoghar: Chief Minister Raghubar Das has directed to take strict action against any such person who is involved in disturbing the communal harmony and said that along with law and order maintaining public order is also important. Chairing a high-level review meeting with the officials of the Santhal Pargana division of the state he said that if somebody tries to create problems then strict legal action should be taken against them.
The Chief Minister said that under the PM Kisan Yojana and Mukhyamantri Aashirwad Yojana among 35 lakh farmers of the state Rs 5,000 crore would be distributed so that the farmers do not go to the money lenders to get money for buying seeds and fertilizers. He has asked the districts to complete the target of online registration this month. He said that under the Ujjwala Yojana LPG connections has to be provided in 14 lakh homes by September 30th, therefore, all the districts should work to achieve the targets in a timeline manner.
He said that to make the villages shine on the likes of the cities funds from the 13th finance commission will be used for putting up street lights. He said that under Jan JAL Yojana target to provide drinking water in the tribal-dominated villages. He said that the area of Santhal Pargana is still grappling with malnutrition therefore in all the 6 districts on a single day awareness rally should be taken out and directed the officials to work on a mission mode for better health of the women and children.
The Chief Minister also directed the disease to hold a meeting with the engineers of the power department and review the progress of works on the transmission line and providing power in every home and also inform the people in this regard. The Chief Minister said that he was extremely saddened by the backwardness of the area and therefore he had taken a pledge to make changes. Those present on the occasion included Chief Secretary DK Tiwari Development Commissioner Sukhdeo Singh Additional Chief Secretary Finance K K Khandelwal DGP Kamal Nayan Choubey and other senior officials.