Chennai (IANS) Director Pradeep Ranganathan, who marks his debut as an actor with his recently released film ‘Love Today’, has penned an emotional post about making the film, which he said was a three-year dream.
Hours before the film was to hit screens, the young director tweeted: “‘Love Today’ is a three-year dream. I chose to do a second ‘First film’.”
“I’ve gone through a lot of emotions in this journey which makes it a memorable one. Realising it’s going to release tomorrow and the journey is going to end and a new one is going to start gives me mixed feelings,” he added.
“I love you ‘Love Today’. I love all those who love me and also who don’t. ‘Love Today’ is not mine anymore, it’s yours. I made it for you. Thank you A G S Kalpathi S Aghoram sir. Nothing without you. Lots of love, Pradeep Ranganathan.”
The film, which is a romcom focused on relationships in today’s world, has Ivana playing the female lead and Sathyaraj playing her father in the film.