Ranchi: An event was organized at the Jharkhand High Court on Wednesday to launch the Android mobile app and release the QR directory of e-services of Ranchi.
In which all the judges of the High Court participated.
Advocate General, Chairman of Jharkhand State Bar Council and other people were also present in this program.
On the occasion, Acting Chief Justice of the High Court Justice S Chandrashekhar said that technology has changed the court proceedings and streamlined the processes.
The High Court has disposed of 24769 cases in just 70 working days this year.
That too when there are currently only 19 judges in the High Court.
The High Court worked hard to reduce the pending cases.
The disposal rate in civil cases has been recorded at 176.59 and in criminal cases at 123.34.
Meanwhile, High Court judge Justice Anand Sen said that people can easily avail services like case status, case list, orders and decisions through Android mobile app.
More than 3, 51,622 final orders and judgments of the High Court have been uploaded in this app.
Its QR code will be placed in every district court and public places, so that people can get easy access to e-services.