Ranchi: Jharkhand Film Development Corporation is also participating in the Goa International Film Festival to be held from 20 November to 24 November 2023 in Goa.
Film producers from many provinces of the country and many countries of the world have also participated in this film market.
Many film producers have obtained information about the film policy of Jharkhand.
Biru Prasad Kushwaha, Treasurer, Jharkhand Film Development Corporation and Aman Kumar, Assistant Company Secretary are present in Goa as representatives of Jharkhand to promote the Film Policy of Jharkhand Government and he is present in Goa with both the Jharkhand Film Policy and the natural beauty of the place.
According to Sources, about a suitable environment for filming.
Biru Kushwaha said that producers from many states of the country came to the stall of JFDCL to get information regarding the possibilities of film production in Jharkhand.
Many producers appreciated the Jharkhand film policy and expressed their desire to shoot films in the state.
The stalls in Jharkhand mainly included Shreya Aggarwal, International Market Place for Meeting Indian Productions, Niharika Roy, MD, MCO, Mridul Gupta, Pulse Productions, Shweta Ranjan, PM Media Pvt Ltd, Faheem Khan, FMCG, Nitish Chaurasia, National Institute of Many producers were involved including the design.