Ranchi: Rajya Sabha MP Aditya Sahu said, the people of Jharkhand voted with enthusiasm, expressing faith and trust in Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It has become clear from the public trend that NDA candidates will win from these four Lok Sabha seats with record votes. He said that the coalition government of Jharkhand has betrayed the people. The public has rejected this fraud through voting. This will become clear when the election results come.
Sahu said that Prime Minister Modi has taken care of all sections in the last 10 years. Every door has been knocked through by development. Influenced by this, a large number of youth have voted for Prime Minister Modi to become the PM. During his tenure, Prime Minister Modi has worked on a large scale to respect women and give them freedom.
He said that Prime Minister Modi has done a lot of work for the poor. Work has been done to provide them permanent houses. People belonging to the poor class have been impressed by his schemes and have voted for Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
The State General Secretary said that Prime Minister Modi is giving Kisan Samman Nidhi to the farmers every year. Till date no Prime Minister has given such respect to farmers. Farmers, influenced by this, have voted for Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Sahu said that people’s views have been filtered after voting. It has become clear that NDA candidates will win all four Lok Sabha seats with an overwhelming majority. Seeing the attitude of the public and the clear defeat, the people of RJD in Palamu are upset.
The State General Secretary has expressed his gratitude to the general public for the record voting. He has also expressed gratitude towards the Election Commission for conducting peaceful elections. Whereas, JPCC President Rajesh Thakur said, the people of the country have shown in the first three phases of elections that this time the India Coalition government of employment and progress is going to be formed.
The fourth phase of voting is also in favor of the India Coalition because the voters have understood that our every one vote is to protect the Constitution and democracy. In the first phase of Jharkhand elections, the enthusiasm of the voters was seen in four Lok Sabha seats. It clearly appeared that the voters’ inclination was in favor of the Congress and India alliance and to reject the BJP.
State Congress President Rajesh Thakur said. He said that he worked against the terrible inflation, unemployment and to refute the ten years of lies of the Prime Minister and expressed confidence in Rahul Gandhi ji on five justices and 25 guarantees.
State President Rajesh Thakur said that the fourth phase of the country and the first phase of the state elections has once again left the Prime Minister frustrated and disappointed. The Congress and India alliance will work to win all four seats in Jharkhand.