Ranchi, Jul 21: Chief Minister Raghubar Das announced the setting up of a ‘Chief Minister Farmer Relief Cell’ which would be addressing the problems of the farmers.
Mr Das said that in case of any problem the farmers can call on the numbers and their problems would be solved within 72 hours and in case of any delay than the farmers would also be told the reasons behind it.
Mr Das said that the Farmer Relief helpline numbers are 0651-2490542 and 7632996429 which would be functional 24 hours and the farmers can call and apprise the nodal officers among their problems.
Mr Das said that the farmers were the food providers to the people and the government was also committed towards their well being. He asked the farmers not to worry in case of any problems as the state government was with them.
For the relief cell a special nodal officer has been appointed who would be working under the supervision of agriculture secretary. He said that the complaints brought before the nodal office would be brought under the notice of the Chief Minister’s office.