Ranchi: Jharkhand Governor CP Radhakrishnan has also been given the charge of Telangana and Puducherry. Telangana Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan had resigned from her post on March 18. Tamilisai had also resigned from the post of Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry.
Tamilisai Soundararajan submitted her resignation to President Draupadi Murmu on Monday. Which Draupadi Murmu has accepted. Jharkhand Governor CP Radhakrishnan expressed his gratitude to President Draupadi Murmu and Prime Minister Narendra Modi for giving the additional charge of Governor of Telangana and Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry.
Radhakrishnan said in a post on social media platform ‘X’ that I am blessed to have the additional responsibility of serving as the Governor of Telangana and Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry. He said, ‘I express my wholehearted gratitude to our President Draupadi Murmu, Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah for giving me this big, additional responsibility of serving our motherland.’