Ranchi: In Jharkhand, an insurance of Rs 60 lakh has been fixed for the soldiers of the bomb disposal squad. Regarding this, Jharkhand Police Headquarters has issued an advertisement and sought expressions from the insurance companies willing to pay the insurance amount. At present, Jharkhand Police has a one-year contract with The New India Insurance Company Limited, the period of which is ending on March 31.
59 members of the bomb disposal squad will benefit from this. For this, the Police Headquarters has paid an annual premium of Rs 2950 per member. This insurance is different from the anti-Naxal campaign. Insurance for anti-Naxal operations is already in force. The police headquarters had made plans for a Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad (BDDS).
The headquarters’ argument is that apart from Naxal operations, if the bomb disposal squad suffers any loss during accidental bomb detection, IED detection, surprise inspection or training, then it will get the benefit of this insurance.
According to the agreement, in case of injury, disability or sacrifice of policemen-officers while on bomb disposal duty, the claim for medical, disability or death insurance will be made by the Superintendent of Police of the concerned district in the light of the instructions mentioned in the agreement.
In case of death, 100 percent insurance amount will be given, in case of permanent disability, 100 percent insurance amount will be given and in case of damage to two organs (such as loss of both eyes or one eye and one other organ), the sum assured will be 100 percent.
In case of loss of one organ or one eye, 50 percent amount will be given. In case of permanent mild disability, the amount will be given as per IRDA norms.
In case of injury, a maximum of Rs 20 lakh will be given for treatment in a private or government hospital, in case of death of a policeman, Rs 2 lakh per child will be given for the education of two children and in case of death during bomb disposal, Rs 50 thousand will be given for carrying the dead body. In case of death in a road accident while going to defuse the bomb, Rs 20 lakh will be given and in case of injury, Rs 7.50 lakh will be given for treatment.