Ranchi: On Friday the enforcement team of the Ranchi Municipal Corporation conducted a special drive against encroachment in prominent market areas of the capital.
The team conducted the drive in the daily market clothes market, Church Road, Sarjana Chowk and Saheed Chowk. During the drive, such shop keepers who had kept their goods out in the shades of their shops were warned while fines were collected from shops in which plastic was found.
As soon as the sellers spotted the enforcement team panic spread among them and those who had kept their goods on roads immediately moved their items inside especially in the Church road area where utensil shop keepers who daily keep their items on roads brought their items inside upon seeing the team.
However, as soon as the team started seizing the vehicles which were parked in the no-parking zone near Shashtri Market the shop keepers opposed them claiming that due to Corona their business had been destroyed and now if the vehicles would be seized it would further dent their business.