Ranchi: Additional Chief Electoral Officer Neha Arora inspected various polling stations located in Shivpuri Mohalla of Ranchi Lok Sabha constituency to assess the minimum facilities available for disabled and senior voters including pure drinking water, electricity, toilets, and ramps at the polling stations.
During the inspection, he assessed the various facilities provided at the polling stations to make the electoral process easier for the voters and directed to immediately remove the deficiencies in the minimum facilities.
She visited several polling stations in the Shivpuri area and reviewed the list of Booth Level Awareness Group from the BLOs there.
During this, he directed the BLO to remove the lack of information among the common citizens and to include Municipal Corporation employees in the booth level awareness group.
She directed all BLOs to fully comply with the instructions of the Election Commission of India in selecting booth level awareness groups and volunteers.
During the physical inspection of Government Middle School New Reserve Centre Shivpuri, Additional Chief Electoral Officer directed to make the toilet functional smoothly.
Due to the traffic police station and the health center operated for the police line, there is not enough space for the voters in the school premises, hence he directed the concerned officials to immediately remove the inconvenience of the voters.
As per the instructions of the Chief Electoral Officer, Jharkhand, the inconveniences are being removed by inspecting various polling stations across the state and assessing the minimum facilities available.
Ranchi district officials associated with election work were present during the physical inspection of polling stations.