Ranchi: A surprise inspection of Birsa Munda Central Jail Hotwar was conducted under the joint leadership of Ranchi DC Rahul Kumar Sinha and SSP Chandan Sinha.
16 teams were formed and all wards, women’s wards, cells, hospitals etc. were examined.
But no objectionable material was recovered from any cell.
DC and SSP took information from the jailer and jail superintendent of the Central Jail about the security arrangements of the jail, hospital arrangements, kitchen and arrangements for meeting the prisoners etc.
The raid team included Additional District Magistrate Law and Order Rajeshwar Nath Alok, Sadar SDO Utkarsh Kumar, Deputy Superintendent of Police Sadar Sanjeev Kumar Besra, Police station in-charges-cum-police inspectors Kotwali, Sadar police station, Lower Bazaar police station, Bariatu police station, Sukhdev Nagar police station and traffic station in-charge Kotwali are also included.
Apart from this, 140 male and 20 female constables also participated in the raiding team.