Ranchi: Jharkhand Pradesh Congress Committee (JPCC) President Rajesh Thakur said the ‘Bharat Jodo Ki Baat Aam Jan Ke Saath’ program will be started in every district, block of the state, which will be held on September 05, 2023, on Teacher’s Day and will end after honouring the teachers of the district.
All district general secretary’s in-charge and assembly in-charges will start this campaign by visiting their districts and blocks. The general secretary in-charge of the district and the secretary in-charge of the assembly will start this campaign by visiting their respective districts and blocks.
During the entire campaign, the in-charges will take the opinion of the local leaders regarding the completeness of the organization of Mandal and Panchayat and complete it. All office bearers and state delegates of Jharkhand Pradesh Congress Committee will also work to meet people door to door in their respective districts under this program and will share their pictures on social media while discussing the objectives of Rahul ji’s Bharat Jodo Yatra so that more Rahul ji’s message can be conveyed among more and more people.
The only purpose of this campaign is that during the Bharat Jodo Yatra, Rahul ji started the exercise of connecting the whole country like an ascetic from Kanyakumari to Kashmir and we have to take it to every house. Rajesh Thakur said Bharat Jodo Yatra was started on 7th September, 2022 when inflation, unemployment and hatred started appearing all over India.
Since the beginning of the journey many types of obstacles were created by the BJP-led central government and when the success of Bharat Jodo Yatra started to appear, then an attempt was made to stop this yatra by showing fear of Corona and citing Corona, but respected Rahul Gandhi did not give up, Don’t be afraid, don’t stop, keep going.
Before reaching Kashmir, an attempt was made to scare them once again by citing security, but Rahul Gandhi reached his destination and the message of Bharat Jodo Yatra was to be given, he worked to reach people from Kanyakumari to Kashmir, as well as his Worked to face the problems.
Seeing the success of Bharat Jodo Yatra, the BJP-led central government started an effort to blunt the loud voice of India. As a result, membership of Parliament was stripped of membership within 24 hours of a court decision, a first in the history of independent India. Immediately after that the house was vacated, which is the limit of lowliness.
State President Rajesh Thakur said that under this campaign, Congress people, social workers, intellectuals, teachers and journalists of the district will go to the houses of their friends without any formalities and frills and talk about Bharat Jodo Yatra and talk about public issues related to the district.
Congress Legislature Party leader cum Minister Alamgir Alam said that under this campaign, all the MLAs will go to the neighbouring districts along with their district and talk about Bharat Jodo with the general public under the campaign.
During this, by discussing the works being done by the government, we will try to find out what other public issues are there which come under the control of the state government, in the same way we will work to reach the state Congress so that we can consider them and form the government.
Rahul Gandhi’s yatra was the biggest padyatra of the country, Rahul Gandhi met lakhs of people through Bharat Jodo Yatra and put forward his problems. Later, when Rahul ji put these things in front of the government through the media, the government was shocked, as a result, the whole country is aware of the problems that Rahul Gandhi had to face.
In spite of all the storms, Rahul ji is still among the people without caring about anything and raising their voice. Today, through this campaign, we are taking a pledge that we will work to give strength to Rahul ji by taking his words to the common people.