Ranchi: The result of UPSC (Union Public Service Commission 2023) was released on Tuesday. In this, Jharkhand’s daughter Swati has got 17th rank. Swati is a resident of Kalika Nagar Mango. She is the daughter of former Army soldier (CMP) Sanjay Sharma. Sakshi Jamuar, daughter of Garhwa DC Shekhar Jamuar, has got 89th rank.
Monica Patel of Ranchi has also cracked UPSC. Monica has got 708th rank. Vaibhav Kumar, son of Chief Manager Viresh Kumar, posted at Central Coalfield Limited Darbhanga House, Ranchi, has also cleared UPSC. Vaibhav Kumar has got 151st position.
Monica of Ranchi is the daughter of Chandranath Bhai Patel. Monica has made the entire Jharkhand including her parents proud by achieving success. Monica’s entire family is happy with her success. Monica and her family are continuously receiving congratulations.
UPSC has released the result on upsc.gov.in. Aditya Srivastava has topped this examination. Animesh Pradhan and Donuru Ananya Reddy have got second rank. 1016 candidates have qualified in the final result. UPSC preliminary examination was held on May 28, 2023.
The main examination was taken on 15, 16, 17, 23 and 24 September, 2023. Interviews were held in three phases between January 2 and April 9.