Ranchi: Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren on Tuesday said that the state government is committed to walk together with every women of the state. Addressing a function organised on the occasion of International Women’s Day at the project building here he said that time was right for the women to move forward in every direction as encouraging women through all possible means is one of the priorities of the state government. He said that people talk about women empowerment but in the context of Jharkhand there are many areas in which the women needed to be inspired to come forward and walk together. He said that in the present materialistic world many changes have taken place and there is focus on even such areas where efforts are being made to make the women stand on their feet, he said adding that women are being encouraged to come forward along with following there traditional and cultural system.
The Chief Minister said that through various schemes work is been done for the empowerment of women, moreover, schemes are being framed in such a manner that will help women to move forward in the field of their choice and stand on their feet. He said that the government is ready to extend all possible help to women. The Chief Minister said that one often gets to hear about cases of women exploitation in urban and rural areas which needed to be addressed.
He said that there is a need to pay special focus in the rural areas where women are compelled to live a confined life and therefore efforts should be made to reach such women. Hemant Soren said that the day was an important one as since the creation of humanity directly or indirectly women have had a role to play in form or another. However, he said that with the passage of time people got divided on the basis of community, caste and religion while on one hand some of the groups moved ahead few others stayed backward and women from those particular groups went further backward. He said that women are capable of doing whatever a man can do and both of them needed to walk together to realise the goal of development.
Woman and Child Development Minister Joba Manjhi said that moving forward in every field and are walking shoulder to shoulder. She said that many schemes are being run by the department. She said that under Tejaswini Yojana which is being executed in 17 districts 10.89 lakh girls have been linked with 12,800 clubs. On this occasion, the Chief Minister and the Minister jointly launched ‘Setu Siksha’ course in 17 districts. Under this girls in the age group, 14-20 years will be linked with education from classes 8th-10th. The Chief Minister on the occasion also gave Aadhar Kits to rural women as Aadhar card is a must to take advantage of the scheme. Those present on the occasion included Chief Secretary Sukhdeo Singh and other senior officers.