Ranchi: MP Sanjay Seth said, now the dirty water of the surrounding areas including Upper Bazaar, Kishoreganj Chowk will be cleaned and will go to Bada Talab through the sewerage plant. The sewerage plant is ready for this. Its trial is also going on. It will be inaugurated very soon.
MP Sanjay Seth inspected the above mentioned sewerage plant and showed its functioning. It should be noted that for the past several years, a large amount of dirty water from the surrounding areas has been entering Swami Vivekananda Sarovar. Due to this, pollution is also occurring in Bada Talab. Its effect is being seen on aquatic animals as well as the surrounding environment.
MP Sanjay Seth made continuous efforts to ensure that the water of the pond becomes clean. In continuation of this effort, a sewerage treatment plant has been completed here. This plant has been built at a cost of approximately Rs 8 crore 20 lakh, where 30 lakh liters of water will be cleaned every day.
After that this water will go to the big pond. This will make the pond pollution free. Along with aquatic animals, people living nearby will also feel relief. The environment will also be clean. During his inspection, MP Shri Sanjay Seth said that this plant is currently running on trial. It will be inaugurated very soon. For the last several years, information was being received about pollution of Bada Talab. I myself have seen its pollution many times.
Because of this, people faced problems in coming and going in front of the statue of Swami Vivekananda built in Bada Talab. If the water becomes clean through the sewerage plant, then the attraction of the citizens towards Bada Talab will increase again. MP Seth said that after treatment, water will be poured into the pond, this will make the pond pollution free and the people of the area will also be able to heave a sigh of relief.