Ranchi: Police have completed all necessary preparations to conduct Durga Puja peacefully in the capital city of Ranchi. During Durga Puja more than 2000 police personnel will be stationed in different police station areas of the capital.
More than 1000 CCTV cameras have been installed across the city through this every activity will be monitored by the police. DVR and live feed of the cameras installed by the police have been arranged in the control room. At the same time, the DVR and live feed of the cameras installed by the pandal committees will be in the pandals only.
Drone cameras will also be used to monitor in major worship pandals of the city. Keeping in view the safety of women, power commands and women policemen are being also deployed. Communal elements of the district are being marked for Durga Puja.
A list is being prepared of those who have been involved in communal incidents. Information is also being collected about the action taken by the police at the police station level against the people involved in such incidents.
During the Puja information is also being taken from all the police stations about the elements involved in the violence and such people are being identified and preventive action is being taken against them.
Information is also being gathered about the cause of the incident and the people involved in its background. In view of Durga Puja, all the tainted people of the city, which are likely to spoil the environment of the city, have also been sent a notice under IPC section 107. The number of old criminals to whom notices have been sent is about 1200.