Mumbai (IANS) The trailer of the streaming mini-series ‘Salesman of the Year’ was unveiled on Monday. It shows the journey of its lead character (played by Hussain Dalal) from Hyderabad to Delhi as he tries to grapple with the cultural differences between the cities while trying to make it big.
With an aim to prove to his parents that a sales job is not insignificant, Karthik tries to cope with life in a city, a place that is unfamiliar and often intimidating in every possible way. The trailer shows him dealing with a highly competitive workspace, a jargon spewing boss, an over-friendly DJ as a roommate and locals who constantly threaten him.
Talking about the show, Hussain Dalal said: “‘Salesman of the Year’ tells a story that is extremely relatable for everyone as we are all trying to belong and be accepted – be it in a new city, a new job, with new friends or our own family. I had a blast playing Karthik Reddy, as his Hyderabadi slang & swag are something viewers have not had a chance to see before.”
The mini-series, directed by Ankita Sharma, consists of five episodes and also stars internet sensation Ahsaas Channa in a key role.
Talking about the show, Ahsaas said: “This was amongst the most mature and challenging characters I’ve had a chance to play. To portray a cold, aggressive corporate woman who comes with a gripping backstory was amazing. The script and the team made the entire journey and experience much more exciting – hopefully viewers will find both Ira Saxena and the show as exciting as I did.”
Written by Rajesh Narasimhan and Ashiish V. Patil, ‘Salesman of the Year’ will stream on MX Player from December 21, 2022.