Ranchi: Ranchi district administration has given a 24-hour ultimatum to licensed arms holders to conduct the Lok Sabha elections in a free, fair and fear-free manner. The weapon is not deposited within the stipulated time limit, the weapon license will be canceled or suspended.
District Election Officer cum Deputy Commissioner Rahul Kumar Sinha has directed to take action by identifying those who did not deposit their weapons within the stipulated date. Last month the weapons were to be verified by March 30, but only 50 percent of the 3417 licensees had got their weapons verified. Such people were given time till April 6. Despite this, some people did not get their weapons verified.
On March 20 itself, an order was given that all the arms license holders of the district will deposit their weapons in the concerned police station, OP or arms and cartridge seller’s shop by April 13. But till now many license holders have not done so. Now they are given only 24 hours.
There are some license holders who have applied for exemption from storing weapons, but no order has been issued from the district administration level regarding exemption on this.