Ranchi: Following the instructions of Chief Minister Hemant Soren consistent efforts are being made to achieve inclusivity in education. In this regard recently, the Chief Minister has given orders to extend full support to Ankit Kumar, a resident of Badki Punnu, Gomia, Bokaro to facilitate his post-matric higher education. Besides this, steps are also being taken to cover his family members under the umbrella of various state-run schemes.
The Chief Minister has taken cognizance from the Deputy Commissioner, Bokaro regarding this issue. Pertinent steps have been taken to extend all welfare-related benefits to Ankit so that no stone is left unturned in the route of his education.
The Chief Minister had received information that Ankit Kumar, a resident of Bokaro, has secured around 96 percent marks in the matriculation examination of 2022. Due to the poor financial condition of the family, he was unable to pursue his further studies.
Ankit’s father is physically weak and his mother, who works as a labourer, had her arms and legs injured in an accident, due to which the whole family is facing a severe financial crisis.
After taking cognizance of the issue the Chief Minister gave his instructions to the Deputy Commissioner, Bokaro to extend all possible government aid and also to ensure his family is covered with the benefits of various government-run schemes.
The Chief Minister said that the government has come up with many schemes at every level so that poverty does not become a hindrance in the pursuit of education for anyone.