Ranchi: Agriculture Minister Badal’s positive thinking towards farmers and milk producers has started taking shape. On December 15 a meeting between National Dairy Development Board President Minesh Shah with Agriculture Minister Badal and Departmental Secretary Abu Bakr Siddiqui had taken place which has yielded positive results under which the price of milk given by the farmers associated with Jharkhand Milk Federation has been increased from Rs 2 to Rs 3 depending on the quality.
In this regard, the Managing Director of Jharkhand Milk Federation Sudhir Kumar Singh informed that with effect from February 21, 20-22, the farmers of Jharkhand will be paid with the increased price. Along with this, he also informed that there will be no increase in the price of milk for the consumers and consumers will be able to get milk and other products at the same old prices.
Agriculture Minister Badal has made many changes in the field of agriculture as well as launched schemes for farmers, milk producers and livestock farmers. On April 1, 2021 Badal had also given the benefit of subsidy of Re 1 per liter to the milk producers. The Minister has told the farmer families of the state that more and more farmers should join the Mukhyamantri Pashudhan Yojana.
The Managing Director of Jharkhand Milk Federation said that due to this increase in the price for milk producers the income of the farmers of the state will increase, as well as in the direction of increasing the income of Jharkhand Milk Federation farmers, dung manure management scheme, beekeeping scheme like steps are also being taken.