Ranchi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday gifted eight road projects worth Rs 1717.19 crore to the people of Jharkhand. The PM inaugurated the foundation stone of these projects through video conferencing at the Mayuri Auditorium of CMPDI in the capital Ranchi. Four-lane Ranchi bypass of National Highway No. 33 will be constructed at a cost of Rs 707 crore. The length of this bypass will be 26.27 km.
There will be relief from traffic jam in Ranchi, high speed connectivity will be available between Ranchi and Jamshedpur. A 4 lane road will be constructed from Pokharia to Govindpur at a cost of Rs 300.46 crore. After the construction of this road, the time taken to go from Dhanbad to Jamtara, Deoghar, Dumka will be reduced. Its total length will be 15 kilometers.
The road from Gumla to Kolebira will be constructed at a cost of Rs 57 crore. This national highway connects Gumla, Simdega district of Jharkhand to Rourkela of Odisha state. The highway in the tribal area has the potential to improve the lives of this community. Its total length will be 47.07 kilometers.
The road from Sundarpahari to Dharampur will be constructed at a cost of Rs 76.50 crore. Time will be saved. You will get riding quality. Its total length will be 27.05 km. The road will be constructed from Sultana to Birhu at a cost of Rs 18.07 crore. The highway connects Hazaribagh and Chatra districts.
Travel will be easier and time will be reduced. Its length will be 10.5 kilometers. Giridih bypass will be constructed at a cost of Rs 438 crore. With the completion of this project, traffic between Ranchi and Deoghar will become easier. Its total length will be 23.84 kilometers.
The road will be constructed from Murgatal to Dhanbad at a cost of Rs 85.28 crore. After the construction of this road, it will take less time to travel from Jamshedpur to Dhanbad. Its total length will be 44 kilometers. The road from Rupnarayanpur to Jamtara will be constructed at a cost of Rs 32.25 crore. Its total length will be 20 kilometers. There will be reduction in time to travel from West Bengal border to Jamtara, Deoghar and Dumka.
The Ranchi Bypass Development to Rampur section road is 26.27 km long. t also connects to Ranchi Ring Road. With its construction, Ranchi Ring Road will be about 86 km long. The Ring Road was built by the Road Construction Department in six phases, this part connects the road from Vikas to Rampur with NH-33. Ramkripal Construction has constructed it at a cost of Rs 700 crore. With its construction, a four-lane road will be available from Ranchi to Jamshedpur.
At the same time, it will be easy to reach Ramgarh Road also. Now there will be no need for movement of big vehicles through Kantatoli Chowk, here there will be relief from daily traffic jams.
Many officers and personnel including Lok Sabha MP Sudarshan Bhagat, Principal Secretary of Road Construction Department Sunil Kumar, and Chief Engineer of NHAI Umesh Kumar were present in the inauguration and foundation stone laying program of the Prime Minister through video conferencing at Mayuri Auditorium of CMPDI located at Kanke Road.