Dumka: Jharkhand Governor Ramesh Bais on Wednesday said that the main goal of education is character building. Participating in the 6th convocation ceremony of Sidho-Kanhu Murmu University here he said that education is not only the medium to get degrees and bag jobs but its main purpose is character building.
He said that India is the world’s youngest nation and one can take advantage of this youth power only when the youth is equipped with knowledge and skill for which the educational institutions especially the universities have to play a bigger role. He said that the varieties will have to play an active role in making the students educated and able citizens of the country so that they can play an important role in nation-building.
Moreover, he said that the students should also have an eagerness to make a name of their university for which they needed to think about and also make the hard work. He said that the management of the University which is located in a tribal-dominated area ensures that more students get an education and they should be provided quality education by the university.
The Governor said that the ambit of higher education has expanded as more students are studying in educational institutions but there was a need to focus on quality and providing the best possible education to the children.
He said that educational institutions should also inspire the students to become better citizens and play an active role in nation-building. Further through their acts and knowledge the students should become an inspiration to others and make a name for themselves and the nation he said adding that the students also needed to draw inspiration from the lives of Sidho-Kanhu and Chand-Bhairav.