Ranchi: A team of the Maharashtra Police along with the ATS conducted raids at the house of social worker father Steyn Swami located at Namkum Bagicha here in connection with the Bhima Koregaon violence incident. During the raid the police not only questioned Father Swami but also took the passwords of his email id and Facebook.
The police also took away with them the computer hard disk and internet modem. This is for the second occasion that raid had been conducted at his house, earlier on August 28, 2018 the Maharashtra police had conducted raids at his home.
According to the information received the team of Maharashtra police had reached Ranchi on Tuesday evening itself and Wednesday morning the Raid was conducted in which the local police was also present however the media was not allowed to get near the house.
Born in Tamilnadu Father Steyn Swami has been active for the last many decades as a social worker in the tribal areas of the state and had raised his voice against displacement and land acquisition issues. He also claims that he is the one wh0 has filed a PIL in the High Court raising the issue 3000 undertrials who have been lodged in jail as Maoists.