Ranchi: The firing incident took place after a clash between two parties outside the Ruin House Bar located at Morhabadi Ground. This incident is said to have happened late on Friday night. An FIR has also been lodged at Bariyatu police station regarding the firing incident. Regarding the incident, it is being told that after a dispute between two parties in Ruin Bar and Restaurant, firing was done by one party. Although no one was shot in this firing, there was a stampede on the spot for some time.
Some youth from Dhanbad had come to the restaurant to celebrate their birthday. Some youths from Kanke Road, Ranchi were already present in the same restaurant. During the party itself, there was a dispute between the two parties regarding some issue. The matter first started with abuses, after which the situation reached a scuffle.
Meanwhile, the bouncer present in the bar explained to both the parties and threw them out of the bar. But as soon as they came out, both the parties clashed with each other. Meanwhile, a youth from Kanke Road, whose name is Amit Singh, is said to have opened fire with his licensed weapon.
However, no one was hit by the bullet. By the time Bariyatu police reached the spot after getting information about the matter, the people from one party who had opened fire had fled from the spot. Police have also recovered a kiosk from outside the restaurant.