Mumbai (IANS) Fans of Amitabh Bachchan celebrated the veteran megastar’s birthday outside his Mumbai house Jalsa recently. They lined up on the lane outside the actor’s house with huge flex prints, LED screens and screens installed on moving vehicles, celebrating the screen legend’s 80th birthday.
A special video shows the fans of all age groups having a gala time as they cut the cake outside Big B’s bungalow in the Juhu area of Mumbai.
Amitabh Bachchan too came out to greet the fans and express his gratitude towards them for all their love.
Interestingly, NC Sippy — the producer of Big B’s 1982 hit film ‘Satte Pe Satta’, who owned Jalsa earlier, had gifted the property to Bachchan as remuneration for his work in the film.
On the work front, Big B is currently enjoying the response to his recently released movie ‘Goodbye’ in which he co-stars along with Rashmika Mandana, Neena Gupta, Pavail Gulati and Sunil Grover.