Deoghar: On the third Monday of Malmas and the fifth Monday of Shravani Mela, Devotees offered Jal Abhishek to Lord Shiva. After Sardari Puja, water offering was started for common devotees through the Argha system. Water offering of Baba Baidyanath started from 03:48 in the morning. Along with the entire route line, there are security forces and magistrates at all holding points and important places.
Baba Baidyanath is offering water easily and safely. The entire fair area is being monitored through CCTV. On Monday, the queue of devotees reached in the wee hours of the night for the water offering. There was a long queue of about 4 kilometres from the Bed College.
As the evening progressed, the queue got shorter. Devotees are being offered Baba’s darshan and offered water on the fifth Monday. Devotees were standing in queue since late night and today the queue of devotees reached till B.Ed College, however due to better arrangement the queue kept getting smaller. Deoghar SDO and temple in-charge Dipankar Chowdhary said that all the arrangements have been made on the lines of Shravani Mela. Arrangements have also been made for quick darshan for offering water in less time.
Sardar Panda said that there is special benefit of darshan and water offering in Purushottam month, today Sardari Puja was performed by him and prayers were also offered to Baba Bholenath for all the devotees. Sardar Panda said that there is special importance of offering water to Lord Shiva in both Purushottam month and Sawan month. Devotees offered water from internal and external Argha and thanked the district administration for better facilities.