Ranchi: A review meeting on progress of various schemes related to social security was organized under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner Chhavi Ranjan during which he gave necessary directions to the officials for better implementation of schemes.
In the meeting, the Chief Minister’s Old Age Pension Scheme was first reviewed by the Deputy Commissioner during which it was informed that 21,509 pensioners were added in Ranchi district in the second wave of Corona. The DC appreciated the addition of 21,509 pensioners in the second wave of Corona. He directed to complete the remaining target under the Chief Minister’s State Old Age Pension Scheme at the earliest.
Appreciating the better implementation of the schemes in the blocks, the Deputy Commissioner directed to achieve 100 percent target at the earliest. Under the scheme, the he directed to run a special campaign in the blocks and urban areas where there are more vacancies. In Argora, Ranchi City, Chanho, Ratu, Badgai Zone and Tamar, Chanho, Ratu, Anagada, Namkum blocks, the Deputy Commissioner directed the concerned officials to provide the benefits to the beneficiaries with sensitivity. He said that cent percent target should be achieved by filling the vacancies of centrally sponsored schemes at the earliest.
During the meeting, the Deputy Commissioner also reviewed the non-payment of pensioners due to erroneous data. Assistant Director Social Security Shatrunjay Kumar said that pension payment of 2671 pensioners was not being done due to erroneous data, in which 1012 data has been rectified. The Deputy Commissioner directed to start the pension payment from next month after correcting the data within one week.
During the meeting, he directed to cover the eligible dependents of Corona affected by the pension scheme within a week. Assistant Director Social Security said that out of 404 applications received in this regard, 168 applicants were found eligible, out of which pension applications of 84 applicants have been approved. The Deputy Commissioner directed to complete the pending 84 applications within a week. In the meeting, DC directed to cover the death of the main beneficiary of the family due to corona under the National Family Benefit Scheme so that a lump sum assistance of Rs 20,000 can be given to the dependents.
In Ranchi district, 71 applications out of 347 have been approved in the light of applications received under the National Family Benefit Scheme. In order to review the National Family Benefit Scheme, zero progress was found in Mander, Bedo, Ratu, Nagdi Tamar block, the Deputy Commissioner directed the BDO to achieve the target at the earliest.