Ranchi, May 12: Jharkhand Chief Secretary Rajbala Verma has instructed the engineers of the water resources and sanitation department to hold meetings with the Mukhiyas and Jal Sahiyas and undertake repair of hand pumps and water pipelines so that people in the rural areas can get pure drinking water.
Ms Verma through video conferencing all the engineers of the districts to obtain certificate from the Jal Sahiays regarding the number of operational handpumps in their area and number of defunct handpumps. It was also directed that the engineers should at least visit three villages and in a commissionary at least 30 villages be visited and everyday a report on the visit be sent to the headquarters.
She said that whatever everyday action would be taken for drinking water supply scheme should be sent to the higher authorities and information be also shared through the press. She said that in every two days press conferences should be held at the district and block level and information be shared regarding the works being done for drinking water. She said that till May 25 such villages be visited which are considered difficult zones for water supply.
The Chief Secretary categorically said that if the people of the rural areas face any trouble in getting drinking water or there is lack of management than strict action would be taken against the official of the concerned areas.
Ms Verma said that in such areas where it was not possible to send through pipelines in such areas water should be supplied through tankers and in such areas where to continue the handpumps functioning pipes needed to be increased in such areas the pipe be procured and the issue solved. She said that a complaint has been registered at the high court where it has been said that 90 per cent handpumps of the Ichak block of Hazaribagh district are non functional.