Ranchi: Ranchi Police has arrested four people, including two women, who were carrying ganja from Odisha to Banaras from Khadgarha bus stand. The arrested accused include Sumit Kumar, resident of Keshav Kunj in Ghaziabad district of UP, Anjana Singhal, resident of Deep Bihar Chhapra in Gautam Buddha Nagar district, Deep Rai, resident of Sukna in Darjeeling district of Bengal and Sushma, resident of Multani Danda in Paharganj, Central Delhi.
Police have recovered 43.60 kg of ganja, four mobile phones, Aadhaar card of three accused, Line bus ticket from Dhurwa to Banaras and Rs 1500 cash from the arrested accused. City SP Rajkumar Mehta gave this information in a press conference. He said that a continuous checking campaign is being conducted for the recovery of narcotics in connection with the Lok Sabha elections.
Meanwhile, on the basis of secret information received by the SSP, a team was formed under the leadership of City DSP. The team raided and arrested two youths and two women with ganja from Khadgarha bus stand premises.
Police have received many inputs from the arrested smugglers. Based on the input received, the police are busy taking further action.