Ranchi: Chief Minister Hemant Soren said that separate data centers of government departments and offices is not proper from the point of view of cyber security therefore in such a situation centralized data centers should be made for all departments so that the system of cyber security can be strengthened with better management, maintenance and monitoring of the data center.
Presiding over the 10th Board of Directors meeting of JAP-IT on Thursday which was held after a gap of six years the Chief Minister directed the officials to set up a data recovery center and a cyber security response team. On this occasion, he inquired about various schemes and services operated by JAP-IT.
He said that the security of the data of the departments is very important. Data leaks can lead to many big problems therefore in such a situation the security audit of the data of all the departments should be done at regular intervals. He said that any lapses found in the data security audit should be controlled immediately.
The Chief Minister asked the Information Technology Department to prepare a vision document for the next five years of e-governance. Under this know about how new technologies can be used in a better way in government works as it will prove to be very effective in making the e-governance system transparent with the changing times.
The Chief Minister said that there is a pile of old files in the departments and this system should end. He asked to complete the digitization of all important government documents at the earliest. He also said that arrangements should be made for the execution of files and documents which are no longer of any use. He said that a system of chip-based e-pass should be made for the entry of personnel and government vehicles into the Secretariat and attached offices.
Apart from this, there should be a provision of sensor glasses at all the entrances of the Secretariat so that only the persons having e-pass is able to enter and moreover this will control the entry of unwanted people into the secretariat and it will prove to be much better from the point of view of office security.
The Chief Minister said that many such personnel are working in the Secretariat and attached offices who have received education from IITs and reputed technical institutions. The Chief Minister asked to prepare a list of such technical expert personnel and directed that their services should be specially taken in the work being done in the field of information technology of the government.
In the meeting of the Board of Directors of JAP-IT, Chief Secretary Sukhdev Singh, Development Commissioner Arun Kumar Singh, Principal Secretary to Chief Minister Rajiv Arun Ekka, Principal Secretary of Personnel Department Vandana Dadel, Principal Secretary of Finance Department Ajay Kumar Singh, Secretary to Chief Minister Vinay Kumar Choubey, Secretary, Information Technology and e-Governance Department KN Jha, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of JAP-IT Manoj Kumar were present.