Gumla: Chief Electoral Officer K Ravi Kumar said that the officials should work by preparing an action plan to conduct peaceful, clean and fair Lok Sabha elections 2024. Maintain full vigilance in maintaining law and order during the election period. Transport arrangements for polling parties and essential services should be maintained at polling stations located at inaccessible places.
He said that to ensure availability of minimum facilities at all booths during elections. It is mandatory to have basic arrangements like drinking water, toilet, and electricity at the booths. He was holding a review meeting in the Collectorate Auditorium of Gumla with the officials of Police, CRPF, Forest Department and concerned district administrations of Gumla, Lohardaga, Khunti, Ranchi and Simdega districts regarding the preparations for the Lok Sabha Elections 2024 in these districts.
In the course of review, he asked to make appropriate arrangements related to elections for the sensitive polling stations of these districts. He said that all the estimated helipads should be identified and the work of strengthening them should be done so that they can be used in polling parties and emergency services. Also, the forest department should also make arrangements for pruning of trees, smoke. Assess the deployment of adequate numbers of CRPF and police force personnel at sensitive booths.
In the meeting, Chief Electoral Officer and State Police Nodal Officer A.V.Homkar reviewed point-wise the preparations done especially from the law and order point of view, monitoring of preparations for clean, fear-free and fair elections. Apart from this, detailed guidelines were also given regarding making voters aware about the relocated booths. Along with this, instructions were given to speed up the process of confiscation of weapons by running a campaign to completely ban the movement of illegal liquor and prohibited intoxicants.
Before this, the Chief Electoral Officer conducted a surprise inspection of the polling stations of stateized middle school Jaria and Bedo located in Bundu, Ranchi, and took information about the work being done by the BLOs there. He also took stock of the list of members of the Block Awareness Group and the availability of basic facilities at the booths. Also, instructions were given to immediately complete the polling stations which lacked basic facilities.
Additional Chief Electoral Officer Sandeep Singh also inspected the basic facilities at various polling stations located at Bharno and Jura in Gumla.