BJP Candidate Manish Jaisawal taken a lead in Hazaribagh Lok Sabha Elections

Hazaribagh: BJP Candidate Manish Jaiswa took a lead in Lok Sabha Elections in Hazaribagh.

According to the data till 4.30 pm, BJP candidate Manish Jaiswal has got 375131 votes and Congress candidate Jai Prakash Bhai Patel from Indi alliance has got 213303 votes.

There is an atmosphere of celebration in BJP as victory is assured due to Manish Jaiswal’s huge lead.

On the other hand, there is disappointment among the workers due to the defeat of the candidates of other parties including the Indi alliance.

BJP supporters are seen dancing to the tune of cards.

There are a lot of fireworks going off in the district.

The supporters distributed a lot of sweets to celebrate the victory. BJP supporters have claimed victory by three lakhs.

17 candidates were trying their luck from Hazaribagh Lok Sabha seat.

Before the results were released, all the candidates were celebrating with their supporters, claiming victory.

Alliance candidate Jaiprakash Bhai Patel kept claiming victory till the eighth round.

He was hopeful that when the EVMs of Ramgarh, Kuju and Mandu opened, he would take the lead from BJP.

But he felt disappointed in the ninth round.

As the counting of votes progressed, the victory of Manish Jaiswal became certain.

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