Ranchi: Under the Aapki Yojana Aapki Sarkar Aapke Dwar program was organized in different panchayats of different 12 blocks of Ranchi district and ward number 17 and 18 under the Ranchi Municipal Corporation area. On-the-spot execution of people’s grievances was done in the camps organized in various panchayats. Along with this, people were informed about the welfare schemes in the presence of district-level officials.
During the program, public representatives, and district and block-level officials also distributed assets among the beneficiaries. Among the beneficiaries, dhoti saree lungi under Jharkhand State Food Scheme, Chief Minister Livestock Scheme, Sarvajan Pension, acceptance letter under MNREGA scheme, Blanket distribution, 15th Finance, KCC, PMAY(G), Savitri Bai Phule Kishori Samridhi Yojna, Chief Minister Employment Guarantee Scheme, E-Shram Card Scheme, Electricity and Drinking Water Department and other public welfare schemes related assets and approval letters were distributed.
In Ginjo Thakur village panchayat of Budhmu block, Deputy Development Commissioner Vishal Sagar participated in the program.