Ranchi: On the initiative of Jharkhand High Court judge and Jhalsa executive president Sujit Narayan Prasad, a special Lok Adalat was organized by Jhalsa for check bounce and electricity related matters in the entire state. In which a total 24727 Pre Litigation and a total of 3250 pending cases were completed. Also a total settlement of Rs 270528545 was made. Jhalsa was preparing to organize this special Lok Adalat for a month.
Jhalsa had given instructions to all the district legal service authorities through a letter to organize the said special Lok Adalat. Simultaneously, SOP was also issued. Jhalsa’s Member Secretary Kumari Ranjana Asthana had held a review meeting with the concerned judicial officers and representatives of departments of all the districts on 22 April. As per SOP Pre Lok Adalat was started from 21st April 2024 itself.
The special Lok Adalat related to check bounce and Electricity Act concluded on Saturday. A total of 27 benches were formed to make the Special Lok Adalat successful. In which 23 benches were formed for NI Act and 4 for Electricity Act.
It is known that 1860 cases of check bounce and 738 cases of Electricity Act were successfully disposed of in the Special Lok Adalat. Earlier, 6000 cases were identified for check bounce and 1100 cases of Electricity Act were identified and notices were sent to the parties through various courts.
Monthly Lok Adalat was also organized on Saturday itself. For this also, 7 benches were formed. A total of 361 cases were executed in this monthly Lok Adalat, while Rs 3441156/- (Thirty-four lakh forty-one thousand one hundred and fifty-six) were recovered.