Dumka: JPCC chief and Finance Minister Rameshwar Oraon on Thursday said revenue collection has improved in the state due to which development activities will now gather pace in Jharkhand.
He said that due to the Corona crisis the condition of the exchequer had become almost empty but now things have improved. Over the issue of providing unemployment allowance to the youth, he said that the party had made a promise in this regard but due to Corona crisis everything went haywire but as the financial condition of the state would improve this promise would also be fulfilled.
He said that when the new government had come into power it had got an empty exchequer from the previous government but the state government had started activities with its own resources but unfortunately without proper planning on March 23 lockdown was imposed.
Over the rising case of women atrocities in the state, he said that yes incidents have taken place but police and administration has taken action and the culprits have been arrested after which the kin are also satisfied.
Rural Development Minister Alamgir Aalam said that Mahagathbandhan will win the bypolls on both Bermo and Dumka seats. He said that BJP always tried to destabilize the elected government but in Jharkhand the alliance was very strong and BJP would not succeed in its intentions.
Agriculture Minister Badal said over farm loan wavier the government has given in-principle approval however to ensure that more number of farmers can get its benefits for which the department was working.