Ranchi: In preparation for the upcoming Lok Sabha General Elections-2024, District Election Officer cum Deputy Commissioner Ranchi Rahul Kumar Sinha inspected the Voting Counting Center, Pandara Ranchi and Vajragriha located in Pandara on Friday.
Senior Superintendent of Police Ranchi Chandan Kumar Sinha, Sub-Divisional Officer (Sadar) Ranchi, Utkarsh Kumar, Deputy Election Officer Ranchi Bivek Kumar Suman, District Transport Officer Ranchi Akhilesh Kumar and other concerned officers were present during the inspection.
District Election Officer, Ranchi Rahul Kumar Sinha, while inspecting the entire premises of Voting Counting Centre, Pandara Ranchi and Vajragrih located at Pandara, took stock of all the arrangements here and gave instructions to the concerned officer to fix all the arrangements here.
During the inspection, District Election Officer Ranchi Rahul Kumar Sinha took stock of the maintenance arrangements of Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) in the strong room, counting room, polling party route, parking and other arrangements. While inspecting the counting centre, he inspected the CCTV cameras.
Instructions were given to the concerned officer to improve the arrangements of cameras, pandals, strong rooms, parking arrangements, drinking water arrangements, security personnel, food arrangements for the election personnel, toilets.
While inspecting the entire campus, District Election Officer, Ranchi Rahul Kumar Sinha said that the entire campus should be specially cleaned and the cleaning work should be started as soon as possible to ensure that the counting of votes takes place in a clean environment. It should be ensured that there is no filth in the entire premises during the counting of votes and while giving instructions to the concerned officer, he said that the building should also be painted.
Senior Superintendent of Police, Ranchi Chandan Kumar Sinha told the District Election Officer, Ranchi that during the counting of votes, there will be three-tier (triple layer security) in the counting centre. There will be extensive security arrangements.
District Election Officer, Ranchi, while giving instructions to the concerned officer, said that the concerned officer will ensure that all the arrangements like lights, fans, drinking water, generator, cleanliness of the road and all other related arrangements are completed within the stipulated time.