Khunti: Commander of Chottanagpur Regional Committee of the People’s Liberation Front of India (PLFI) who was carrying a reward of Rs 5 lakh on his head was gunned down by security forces in an encounter which took place on Wednesday under Murhu Police Station area of Khunti district in Jharkhand. The deceased ultra has been identified as Laka Pahan. The encounter took place in forest located near Kota village in which more than 60
rounds were fired. However other ultras managed to flee from the spot.
Police sources said that on Tuesday Night as part of the Manda Festival in the village a Chhau dance programme was organised in Kota village. To see the dance Laka Pahan along with his squad members had come to the village as police had concrete information regarding his presence with proper and accurate planning the encounter was executed.
Post the death of Jidan Gudia weight of Laka Pahan had risen in the ranks of PLFI. Against him, there are more than 61 cases registered in separate police station areas of West Singhbhum, Ranchi, Simdega districts etc. Sharing the details a senior police officer said that a small action team of Jharkhand Police along with Murhu Police was conducting a search operation in the area during which a gun battle took place between the two sides.