Ranchi: Chief Minister Hemant Soren on Monday accused the main opposition party BJP of trying to paralyze the house. Speaking during the post-lunch session when a discussion was going on over the prevailing drought-like situation in the state due to deficit rainfall he said that the BJP legislators are wearing only the dress of the farmers but actually are not original farmers.
He said that the government wants to discuss the current rainfall situation and the drought arising out of it but the BJP is conspiring to paralyze the entire house by creating an unnecessary uproar. The comments from the Chief Minister followed in the post-luch session as BJP legislators wearing farmers’ dresses reached near the well demanding the immediate declaration of Jharkhand as a drought-hit state while the treasuring bench wanted to do so after a discussion on the issue.
The Chief Minister said that after the state passed through a pandemic, another problem arose however the government is sensitive and serious towards all the people of the state, especially the rural areas. He said that the government is willing to take the right decision in the interest of the farmers but the opposition does not want this to happen and is attempting to paralyze the house.
Speaker Ravindra Nath Mahto also supported him saying that in the meeting of the Business Advisory Committee there was talk about the discussion and during the meeting BJP representatives CP Singh and Arpana Sen Gupta were also present but now they are creating a disturbance inside the house.
JMM MLA Lobin Hembrom too supported saying BJP people are staging drama after participating in the meeting of the Business Advisory Committee. In response to this, BJP MLA CP Singh said, in the Business Advisory Committee he had demanded that the government should first declare Jharkhand as drought-hit and then discuss the matter but the government is discussing the drought issue first.
First the government should declare the state as a drought hit and the speaker should assure the after discussion only then there is any meaning of discussion, the BJP MLA said. In response to this Mithilesh Thakur asked BJP MLA CP Singh to first differentiate between drought and famine. Later the BJP legislators boycotted the discussion on the drought and staged a walkout.