Mumbai (IANS) “Saturday night vibes” at filmmaker Karan Johar’s party didn’t end on a positive note. Akali Dal MLA Manjinder S. Sirsa has raised his voice against several Bollywood actors including Deepika Padukone and Shahid Kapoor for flaunting a “drugged state” at the party.
Johar recently shared a video of the party that was attended by top stars including Deepika, Ranbir Kapoor, Vicky Kaushal, Arjun Kapoor and Shahid, captioning it as “Saturday night vibes”.
Sirsa sharing the video on social media and tweeted a jibe with reference to the Shahid-starrer “Udta Punjab”, which dealt with drug abuse: “#UDTABollywood – Fiction Vs Reality. Watch how the high and mighty of Bollywood proudly flaunt their drugged state. I raise my voice against #DrugAbuse by these stars. RT if you too feel disgusted @shahidkapoor @deepikapadukone @arjunk2@Varun_dvn @karanjohar @vickykaushal09.”
The actors are yet to comment on the issue, but politician Milind Deora refuted Sirsa’s claims.
“My wife was also present that evening (and is in the video). Nobody was in a ‘drugged state’, so stop spreading lies and defaming people you don’t know! I hope you will show the courage to tender an unconditional apology,” he tweeted.