Ranchi: Nine buses parked at Khadgarha bus stand near KantaToli Chowk of Lower Bazar police station area were set on fire on Thursday. This incident was done by a 15-year-old minor boy. The boy had set fire to the parked buses with the help of a spray of spirit and a lighter.
The police have arrested the minor boy, and are questioning him. There is the involvement of many people in this incident. Police has recovered a spray and lighter from the minor. In police interrogation, the minor said, “He first sprayed near the tank of the bus and then set it on fire with a lighter.” Because of this, the fire started spreading rapidly.
According to the information, the minor is a resident of the Namkum area of Ranchi. He was working as a porter at the Khadgarha bus stand for the last few days. During this time he was fired from the job. Angered by this, he set the buses on fire.