Ranchi: Lokesh Chowdhary, the killer of the Aggarwal brothers has been sentenced to life imprisonment by the Ranchi Civil Court. The court has also imposed a fine of Rs 25,000 on him. Dharmendra Tiwari, Sunil Singh, who executed the murder case along with Lokesh, has also been sentenced to life imprisonment by the court. The court has also imposed a fine of 25-25 thousand on both of them.
On Friday, a hearing took place in the court of Additional Judge Vishal Srivastava of Ranchi Civil Court on the point of punishment of Lokesh Chaudhary, Dharmendra Tiwari, and Sunil Singh. The culprits were produced before the court through video conferencing.
On the basis of the evidence presented by the police and the statements of the witnesses, the court convicted all three on 26 June. According to the police, both the businessmen Hemant Agarwal and Mahendra Agarwal had gone to Lokesh with a huge amount of money in the bag. But Lokesh and MK Singh had already prepared a plan to grab the money.
As part of the plan, MK Singh along with Lokesh Chowdhary’s bodyguard Dharmendra Tiwari raided Lokesh Chowdhary’s office posing as IB officers, and confiscated the money of both businessmen. In this regard, an FIR was lodged at Argora police station on March 7, 2019.
The police presented 19 witnesses in the court to prove Lokesh Chaudhary guilty, while Lokesh Chaudhary did not present a single witness to prove his innocence. However, MK Singh, the main accused in this case, is still out of reach of the police.