Ranchi: Lal Biyakt Lunga Khiangyate took charge as the Chief Secretary of the state on Thursday Heads of many departments were also present on the occasion. Talking to the media, he said that the focus will be on ensuring that the development scheme reaches the common people.
L Khiangyate is a 1988 batch officer. He will retire on 31 October 2024. L Khiangyate started his career as DM in Buxar district of unified Bihar. After the formation of the state, he joined the Jharkhand cadre. After this, he was posted in the Welfare Department, Building Construction Department, Panchayati Raj, and Science Technology Department of NREP.
He also worked as controller of examination of the Jharkhand Competitive Examination Board. From 2018 to 2020, he worked as the state’s Chief Electoral Officer. The state government on Wednesday transferred Chief Secretary Sukhdev Singh and made him Director General of ATI and handed over the responsibility of the new Chief Secretary of the state to L Khyangte.