Ranchi: Joba Manjhi, candidate of I.N.D.I.A alliance from Singhbhum Lok Sabha seat, filed her nomination on Tuesday. While doing a road show from Congress Bhawan, Joba Manjhi reached the government office and filed her nomination. During this, Chief Minister Champai Soren, former Chief Minister Hemant Soren’s wife Kalpana Soren, Minister Deepak Biruva, JMM’s District General Secretary Sonaram Devgam were present.
Kalpana Soren said that in the upcoming elections, the dictatorial forces conspiring to destroy democracy and the Constitution will be punished. The answer will be found. In Singhbhum seat, Joba Manjhi is in direct competition with Geeta Koda.
Geeta Koda had already filed nomination from BJP for the Singhbhum seat. Kalpana Soren was present during the nomination of Joba Manjhi and wrote on social media Best wishes and blessings. Advance best wishes to respect Joba ji for her massive victory.
In the upcoming elections, the dictatorial forces conspiring to destroy democracy and the Constitution will get a befitting reply. Geeta Koda had already filed nomination from BJP for the Singhbhum seat. There is a direct challenge from Geeta Koda to Joba Manjhi on Singhbhum seat.
Earlier, Geeta Koda had won the election on this seat on Congress ticket but just before the elections, she changed her stance and left Congress and joined BJP. On this seat, JMM has given tickets to Joba Manjhi on behalf of the I.N.D.I.A alliance. After filing nominations, all the leaders of the alliance have claimed victory.
Keep in mind that voting on this seat in Jharkhand is to be held in the fourth phase. Voting is to be held on May 13. Both the candidates have intensified their campaign after nomination.